Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The One Stop Shop for All of Your Travel Health Needs

Globetrotters Travel Clinics are one stop shops for all of your Travel Health needs. We are dedicated to providing quality Travel Health advice and services, as well as premium Travel Health Products.

The recent massive increase in business and recreational travel outside of the UK, has led to the need for dedicated Travel Health Centers. This is because a considerable proportion of travelers end up with a Health problem ranging from Diarrhoea to Malaria or Yellow Fever. Most of the Health problems contracted through traveling are preventable through appropriate Travel Health advice, precautionary measures and Vaccinations.

With vaccine preventable illnesses accounting for only a small proportion of Health problems whilst abroad, at Globetrotters we give individuals, business travellers and students the advice and information they need to stay healthy both whilst overseas and on their return.

At Globetrotters we offer a Travel Health nurses, we are accredited Yellow Fever Centers and offer full pre and post Travel Health screenings as well as all available Travel Vaccinations.

With GP appointment times under ever increasing pressure, the ability of practices to provide adequate time and training for such a complex and demanding field is under stress. This has created a need for travelers to have access to alternative Travel Health service pro viders. Globetrotters Travel Clinics has been established to meet this need.

For more information contact us at Globetrotters Travel Clinics or you can also mail us at info@globetrotterstravelclinics.com.

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